Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I'm sorry!!
Good lord, it's already December 31st. Wow. This year has been absolutely crazy, but then, what year isnt? I feel like I could say that about any year. I was actually thiiiiiiiiiiis close just now to trying to do a re-cap of 2008, but it just didn't seem right for some reason. I guess this whole blog can just be my re-cap, hu? Not that I expect you to re-read all of it, but my 80 year-old self will be very pleased, I think, to look back over everything I wrote here some day. :-)
That's all for now, I'm off to watch an episode of The West Wing and hopefully get some sleep! Love to you all.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Studying for finals
Monday, December 15, 2008
It's Raining!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Cool Concept
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
One research paper, one final paper, one movie review and two final tests to go...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Does it make me emo...
Eh, oh well.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Say Yes
I'm in love with the world,
Through the eyes of a girl,
Who's still around the morning after.
We broke up a month ago,
When I grew up, I didn't know
It'd be around the morning after.
It's always been wait and see,
A happy day didn't pay
Feel like shit the morning after.
But now I feel changed around,
And instead falling down,
I'm standing up the morning after.
Situations get fucked up
Turned around sooner or later
I could be another fool,
Or an exception to the rule
You tell me the morning after.
Crooked spin cant come to rest
I'm damaged bad at best
She'll decide what she wants
I'll probably be the last to know
No one says until it shows
See how it is they want you or they don't
I'm in love with the world,
Through the eyes of a girl,
Who's still around the morning after.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Ah ha!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The List
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Lunchbox Quotes
Pied Beauty, by Gerard Manley Hopkins
Glory be to God for dappled things --
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced -- fold, fallow, and plough;
And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.
All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled, (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Song of Songs
Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of his house for love,
it would be utterly scorned.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Last night was lots of fun. First, we went to this great big ol' acapella show of a couple different schools around California. I, dorky as it may be, freaking love acapella and so was extremely pleased with the whole situation. If only Fleet Street had been there, my night would have been made. (They came last year, but I missed it...darn). After that I went salsa dancing for a while, which I should really do more often, and felt an up-the-coast camaraderie with my sister who was swing dancing at the same time. :-) Then I hung out in SD's room for a long while, chatting with some of her friends and helping her polish off a box of goldfish crackers. mmmm.
Today, unfortunately, has to be some semblance of a homework day for me because I'm going to be out and about Los Angeles on Sunday, just to get off campus and have a little fun. Yay, can't wait!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So much to do
Prop 8--damn it, California...I had higher hopes for you.
School--lots of work, lots of craziness, not enough sleep.
...ant that pretty much sums up the past couple of days, hahaha. More to come later when I am more coherent/less swamped.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday Morning
Some of the cons of Sundays, I have found:
Universal homework day. You realize how much more work you have to do.
Last day of the weekend--school is coming up again, and fast.
Cleaning up/sorting out stupid things you may have done the previous two nights.
Pros of Sundays:
Football. Or so I've been told.
PostSecret goes up for the new week.
Big, fat crossword puzzles you need your friends' help to solve.
Sunday nights can be some of the most relaxing, if you can get your stuff done.
"Sunday morning, slow beats seething, through the screens in the open windows
Eggs frying, legs shaking, after we stayed lying so long in bed
Sunday morning, both of us reading, and looking up occasionally
Looking up occasionally
Sunday morning, you're doing your thing and I am doing mine
Speaking words, more a formality, cuz we can feel we are of one mind
Sunday morning, sheets still warm, kitties swarming around our feet
Life comes easy, your sweet company, making it so complete
Of all the Monday through Fridays we joined the crusade
Of all the Saturday nights in which we were made
Of all the exorcisms I've done with your ghosts
Still it's Sunday morning--I miss you the most"
--Sunday Morning, Ani Difranco
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Oh, man...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What a Difference a Day Makes
It's so weird being here without so many people I love. (Jordan, Matan, Alana, Gilad, Lili, Emily, Evan, etc to name a few). I don't like that part of it at all. I started crying during services today, just overwhelmed with the emotions and stress of this past week, with the emotions of being back up at camp, and with the heavy, heavy weight of the absence of the people I love from this place.
I felt weird coming back to camp for Fall Camp last year, too. I remember, I felt alienated and uncomfortable and just generally like a homesick camper. I wanted to go home, and just counted my way through the hours until I was able to go back to school. (I miss the person who got me through the weirdness of that weekend, I really, really do. But I don't know how to get back to him, or even if I should. Either way, things have changed. It wouldn't, couldn't, the the same).
This, again, is my first time back after the summer, but this time is different. It is compounded by the loss of the people who made this past summer one of the best I have ever had at camp, and also by this overwhelming notion that I am in a very, very different place from where I was this time a year ago. A lot of things have changed, yes, but some good things have also stayed the same. I still appriciate this place and everything it has done for me. (I told RS last night that this place had shaped me and made me who I was more than any school ever had. He was impressed, maybe surprised, but I meant it.) I still thank the people who have made this place what it is for me, who have given me so much out of it.
But I wonder sometimes, whether all these weird feelings are there to tell me that it is time to move on. Maybe this was my last summer, maybe this is my last Fall Camp, but then again, maybe it's not. I know that no summer would be truly complete without camp, and that is has been a huge part of my life for so long, so I am in no way ready to make the choice about whether things are coming to an end or not, but I do know that I can safely say that they are changing. And that, though incredibly scary, might just be a good thing.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Interesting...veeerrrrry interesting....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough"
--George Washington Carver
"There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm"
--Willa Cather
"Pugs are living proof that God has a sense of humor."
"You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think"
--Chirstopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh
Sunday, October 5, 2008
This Bouquet
A moved up to Seattle today. Good luck, love! You're going to do great things.
I really like this song, This Bouquet by Ani Difranco, and have for pretty much forever. It's been stuck in my head for a while.
got a garden of songs where i grow all my thoughts
wish i could harvest one or two for some small talk
seems like i'm starving for words whenever you're around
nothing on my tongue so much in my ground
nothing on my tongue so much in my ground
half the time i got my gaze trained on your motel door
fourth door from the end
rest of the time my gaze lays like a stain on the carpeted floor
if it weren't for my brain i'd go over and make friends
too bad about my brain 'cause i'd like to make friends
see the little song bird unable to make a sound
even though she follows her words from town to town
we both got gardens of songs; maybe it's okay
that i am speechless because i picked you this bouquet
yep, sure am speechless, but i picked you this bouquet
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
More Birthdays!
Well, That's Strange
To Do
Be first aid/CPR/lifeguard certified- Become a Wilderness First Responder
- Become an EMT
- Read Tarot cards
- Throw knives
- Knit
Know self-defense- Practice Capoeira
- Learn how to identify and use edible/medicinal plants
- Make rope
- Drive cross-country
- Get good at archery again
Thursday, September 25, 2008
We fountained R last night at midnight, and she was prepared for it, bathing suit and all. Earlier this evening we went out to dinner for her and then I spent a little while baking K some mini-cupcakes for her evening shindig. (Super-easy since she gave me all the supplies!) Then it was off to two hours of dance (ow! sore feet!) and then to K's birthday bash. Lots of cupcakes and milk and good people and music. Oh, happy days.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Blogger Rampage...
You should read this. A fresh, funny, accessable and informative take on current politics. Easiest to get if you've watched the West Wing, which I have recently started to do.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
10 hours of self-defense class. Simulated rapes and muggings.
Another death affecting the campus (that makes three in the past week).
Fighting amongst friends.
Still ignoring life.
So drained.
I'll write more about it later.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another Thursday...
Went dancing last night with a whole bunch of Ballroom people and my sister met me there which was FABULOUS! She's moving up to Seattle in a couple of weeks and I'm not going to see her until Thanksgiving so it was so much fun to get to hang out. She's such a fabulous social dancer and we had a great time.
There is something so incredibly happy about a night out social dancing. Hanging out with friends, meeting new people, being in a fun environment, being surrounded by people who love what they're there to do....its just great. And, icing on the cake, BILL NYE (as in the Science Guy) was there. Childhood icon, my friends! That was awesome.... He goes dancing pretty often, apparently, and he's a quite good dancer. So yeah, that rocked.
All in all, a great night and now onto a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This year, I really want to be someone from Alice in Wonderland, but I want to make/piece together my own costume, not buy one of those tacky mail-order super-slutty numbers.
Alice herself would be nice.
I'd need a blue circle dress, white apron, white petticoat, white tights (but it will be super-hot in the was an inferno last year, so maybe white knee socks instead), and a black ribbon for my hair.
Or, maybe the white rabbit.
That one, of course, wouldn't be quite as litteral. Rabbit ears, some sort of black and red card-themed ensemble, an oversized pocket watch, etc.
Then, there's the Queen of Hearts.
That could be quite cool. A red, white, black and yellow ensemble with an emphasis on heart-suit cards. And, I have a cool red corset-type shirt thing that would be quite awesome.
And then there's the rouge costume entry, Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas.
I've wanted to be Sally for Halloween for a loooong time, but the costume has always seemed very daunting and time-intensive. Basically, I'd have to buy some sort of shift-dress from a Goodwill or something and a whole bunch of fabric scraps and just start sewing. She's so cool, though...
All I know is I don't want to end up looking like one of these girls, which is what you find when you look around online. Oy vey.
So yeah, any thoughts anyone? Any ideas? I'd love the input!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Musica (Bevakasha)
Monday, September 8, 2008
One of my favorite quotes ever
For how long will you continue to listen to those dark shouters, caution and prudence?
Fall in! Fall in!
--Mary Oliver, poet
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Alufim staff, first session

Sunset at camp

Messing around with the boys on the Alu overnight, second session

Last night of camp, with the people I just spent the last two months with every single day...I love you guys.

Staff Banquet

Also, I had my first Gold Latin dance class today and it was fabulous. I will be so sore tomorrow, but it was so much fun.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
This Blog Isn't Dead...
I'm too tired/disorganized right now to write a fully fleshed-out narrative of what is going on in my life at this current moment, but I am fully in capable of the following outline:
People are breaking rocks on the floor above me. I think it is for Geology. wtf?
Classes are good. Biology, Gender and Society; Intro to Gender and Women's Studies; The Holy Fool; The Bible as Literature; Beginning Latin Dance; Advanced Latin Dance; Beginning Standard Dance.
I went to the gym today for the grand total of my third time ever. R took me, which is nice, since she goes on a regular basis and is sort of like a kick-your-butt alarm clock for me. I was blechy about going in the first place but felt so good once I was there/afterwards. That being said, my gym experiences remind me of a How I Met Your Mother episode in which one caracter, Robin, says she loves working out because everyone is gross and sweaty and not trying to impress anyone. She then shows up to the gym in what her friends describe as "lesbian prison gaurd" attire to find a room full of cute-yet-sportily-skimpy-outfitted girls. Yeah, I kind of felt like that. Not to mention, I was almost out of the dorm before R pointed out I was wearing flip-flops.... I mean, my entire working out experience thus far has been barefoot or in dance shoes wearing sweatpants or a leotard and tights....forgive me, I'm new to this. :-)
Things with S are tentative and difficult, but we are continually working towards our mutal goal: a happy, stable friendship.
My sponsees (and the other kids on my hall) are fabulous, adorable, engaging, and awesome. I couldn't be happier with them.
That being said, I am worried about growing apart from all of the amazing friends I made last year...just because they're not physically close (ie, in the room just down the hall) doesn't mean I shouldn't suck it up and put in the extra effort to go see them. They're worth it. Now I just need to get my butt in gear.
I had a minor freak-out about Study Abroad today (wtf?? It is way to early to be worring about this, my rational brain says. Shut up, my irrational side retorts...worring is something you do best!). I have my first choice, Israel on a non-school program in the Fall, followed by my second choices, either Scotland or Greece on a school program in the Fall. Either way, I want it to be in the Fall and I want to have fun. I think I can do it.
I also am rethinking my major/wondering what career options I have in front of me. This is all far to overwhelming for me to be thinking about right now, but I think its a pretty standard pattern with me that when I'm freaking out about one thing, I freak out about everything. At least I'm aware of it, and mostly able to deal. :-)
I have some intense 17th century reading to do, so I should probably get on that. Until next time!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A much-needed update
I’ve been working at a sleep-away camp in Malibu for a little over a month now, and though it has been completely time consuming and exhausting, it has also been incredibly rewarding. We’re nearing the end of the second of three sessions, which is a really weird feeling, knowing that summer is so close to over—less than a month away. Not that I’m not looking forward to the school year, of course. I can’t wait to be a sponsor, to start my new classes, see all my friends again, and return to a place I love so much. Since I was in 2nd grade, I have always considered this camp my second home, and now I guess I have a third home at school. That’s kind of a nice feeling.
Anyway, I’ve been working with seventh graders both last session and this one, but my two cabins could not be more different. Last session was a very small cabin, only 8 girls, and they all got along incredibly well. Also, I was working as a life guard during the day which meant I didn’t spend tons of time with the girls/in the cabin, etc, so dealing with day-to-day discipline and petty fights wasn’t really my thing. This session I am a full-time counselor for a group of 10 girls (those extra two really do make a difference!) who are your stereotypical 12-year-old girls. Some of them act a little to old for their age, flirt with boys, wear make-up, and care about how they look, while others are still in that awkward, pre-teen, slightly dorky phase. The combination of those two groups in one cabin can sometimes lead to conflict. There is a bit of “girl bullying” if you will, (talking behind someone’s back, sabotaging their “relationship” with their “crush,” etc). At times it’s a lot to deal with, but all in all it is incredibly rewarding when I realize what a great time these girls are having at the end of the day. They all love it here just as much as I did when I was a kid, and that love for camp and the fun they have here definitely overpowers any petty fights they have throughout the day.
Today is the Color War and my good friend Matan and I are team captains for the yellow team. The theme is Candyland, so that makes us King Kandy, accompanied by the green Princess Lollypop, the blue Queen Frostine, and the red Mr. and Mrs. Mint. My voice is practically gone from yelling and cheering all day, but the kids are having a great time, so I’m happy. I’m definitely going to collapse tonight. Whew. Its 2:30 and I already can’t wait for bed time. Before that, though, is one of my FAVORITE nights in all of camp, and that is Derby Night. Derby Night is an amazing program that essentially pits counselors against each other in ridiculously messy and hilarious competitions while the kids bet on who they think will win. Last time, most of us ended up covered in whipped cream, ketchup, mayonnaise, chocolate syrup, green “slime,” peanut butter, and god only knows what else at the end of the night. Shower parties ensued. This time I think it might be a little bit cleaner, but hopefully still just as fun. I can’t wait to kick some butt. That’s all for now, and hopefully I’ll be able to blog again soon....I don’t like this month-long hiatus thing. Love you all!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My puppies

Sunday, June 8, 2008
To Have and To Hold: Faith Leaders for the Freedom to Marry
The junior rabbi at my synagogue is getting married at the end of the summer. This may not seem like a big deal at first, until you realize that my rabbi is a woman, and so is her fiance. The amazing fact that these two women are going to be recognized as spouses in my synagogue, and indeed, in all of the Conservative Jewish movement, makes me so grateful for everyone who has worked so hard to get us to this point and so proud of the path Conservative Judaism has taken. I know we have so much further to go--and that I will be at the polls come November voting to extend this right to all people--but let me just say that I am happy for how far we have come.
Read a Washington Post article on the decision to allow gay marriage in conservative Judaism here.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Sam and me (and a lion!) at the Wild Animal Park

Lion cubs playing

Momma lion

This was the most beautiful cat ever, called a Caracal. He was just hanging out on the lawn a couple yards away from us, playing with his chew toy.

This cat can jump 12 feet into the air! Check out the back flip action...

Pretty giraffe (and mini giraffe in the corner!)


I'm covered in Lorikeets! It was so much fun!


Sam and me, and a gorilla in the background.

Big gorilla man.

Me comparing my hand to that of a gorilla.

And, of course, the beautiful San Diego beach

Monday, June 2, 2008
I promise!
I was in San Diego this past week visiting Sam and it was lovely! Now, I know San Diego is not th The Middle of Nowhere and I did have computer access, but I just wanted to enjoy the vacation and not worry about much else. And, I did! We lounged around on the beach, went to the Wild Animal Park (pictures to follow), played Wii Sports, went to the beach some more, and generally had a great time. It was so beautiful down there, and really nice to spend time with him and his family.
The Wild Animal Park was awesome! The park is structured in essentially two parts, a zoo-like section when you first walk in and the 1600 acre reserve section where the animals literally just roam freely about...its amazing. Sam and I payed a couple of extra bucks to take a tram ride around the reserve section of the park and boy was it worth it! Besides separating the predators from the herbivores, the Park pretty much lets the animals just run free. Though they have their own territories that they have defined, they essentially all overlap with each other, free of fences or barriers or anything. They get to truly behave like they're in the wild, which helps not only their mental health, i'd imagine, but with the transition back into the wild if such a transition is planned. The park gets between 300 and 500 animal births a year--pretty much at least a birth a day!--and we got to see a gazelle that was only just a couple of hours old. I'll upload my pictures tomorrow...I got some really good ones!
So, since coming back from San Diego on Friday I've pretty much done nothing, which is both lovely and a bit boring. I did some more shopping with my mom--always lovely--and helped her get ready for a fancy dinner she and my dad went to tonight. I'm also in the middle of reading a couple of books and have been watching my share of crap TV. I tried to read some of the Animorphs series that I loved so much as a kid today, but I couldn't find the box where we stored them all...I'll probably try again tomorrow.
Time to try to sleep now. Take care!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
At least someone in this room is sleeping...
This is like my fourth "can't sleep" post in the past two weeks. What a lovely trend. What is different about this night, however, is that I have a lovely little snore-er on the floor next to me. Or, that is, he was on the floor a moment ago. Now he's chosen to snooze on my bed. Well, at least he's stopped snoring. This is Dash, and I'm dog-sitting him for the weekend.

In other news, here's my favorite photo from LindyGroove. Thats me and Ian, one of my favorite dance partners and an all around awesome guy. Photo curtsey of Duncan.

Ok, I'm going to go listen to some more NPR and try to fall asleep. Dash is snoring again. :-)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Home Again, Home Again
I went dancing the last two nights. On Thursday we (many Ballroom people, Duncan and I) went to LindyGroove and last night I went to Friday night Salsa on campus. So much dancing, so much fun. Social dance is just so energetic and friendly and incredibly fun to do...I love it.
Leaving school was weird. Packing up, saying goodbye....I'm never really great at that stuff. The worst was saying goodbye to Sam. I know I'll see him in a couple of weeks, maybe next week even, but it's just so different than seeing him every single day like I do at school.
But, be that as it may, I'm home and I'm happy to be here.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Danceidy Dance Dance
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Finals and Family Trees
In other news, I went home last night because I was in the city for a doctor's appointment, and ended up spending a good amount of time with my family trying to construct what percentage of what nationalities I am. My mom, my dad, and I sat with tons of genealogy binders, books, scraps of paper, old letters and photos, etc, and tried to piece it all together. It was really fun, actually. My mom and I are (hopefully) going to make it a summer project of ours to computerize a lot of this stuff, make online family trees, organize binders better, etc. Should be fun! So, the final breakdown of my national heritage is (to the best of our knowledge):
1/4 Romanian/Russian (the story goes that the town we were from was on the border between the two, and so wasn't really sure which country it was a part of...)
9/32 English
3/16 German
3/32 Scottish
1/16 Irish
1/16 Hungarian
1/32 French
1/32 Dutch
Friday, May 2, 2008
My, oh my!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
- Biology, Gender, and Society (This class fulfills my science requirement! Yay!)
- Introduction to Women's Studies
- The Holy Fool: Comic/Ugly/Madness
- The Bible as Literature
- International Beginning Latin Dance
Dancing and Napping

Sorry I haven't posted a lot recently, I have been dancing like nobody's business this week, and that has pretty much eaten up all my time. My ballroom dance concert is this weekend, (see photo) and that means rehearsals out the wazzoo. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday featured lovely 7:00 am rehearsals (ack!!), and now we've got late-night dress rehearsals, and then the show! So yeah, lots of dancing. Dancing and napping. But not enough napping, as I'm still super-tired.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
So Close
Thursday, April 24, 2008
That is, I had not until today. I am (almost) 19 years old, I've lived my whole life in one of the fitness capitals of the world, and I'm a proud vegetarian, but I had never participated in an honest-to-goodness "work out" until today. That is not because I'm lazy, uninterested in fitness, or even abnormally adverse to sweaty people...quite the opposite, actually, I've been an extremely active person since I was little. The only difference between me and the gym rats, then, is the fact that they use weights, treadmills, and ellipticals whereas I have spent my lifetime of fitness using only a sprung floor and a wooden ballet bar. Dancing has served me extremely well; I'm healthy, happy, and pretty strong for a small girl, but thats not the only reason I've stayed in the studio.
Truth be told, I have been scared to death of the gym.
I can't tell a rep from a set or a BMI from an RPM, not to mention all those machines and contraptions.... One for your inner thighs, one for your outer thighs, one for your biceps, one for your triceps, one for your upper back and one for your lower back, one for your lats, abs, delts, pecs, quads, calves, this muscle, that! Yeah, it freaked me out. Not only did I have no idea which machine to choose or how to use it, but I was scared to death that the jocks and regulars would immediately make me for a "newb."
So, when I hurt my back a bit in dance practice the other day and the trainer recommended a regimen of light weight training and cardio, I realized I had to suck it up and hit the gym. Lucky for me, Ratna, one of my friends in the hall, goes to the gym pretty much every day and offered to show me the ropes (Proof of how much I needed the help, I was literally about to leave my room wearing flip-flops with my dance shoes in hand). She set me up on a stationary bike and later with some machines in the weight room. And, truth be told, I actually had a good time! I guess those endorphins are there for a reason, because I'm going back tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Monk
Home Sweet Home
- I am obsessed with my two pugs, Won Ton and Mu Shu.
- I work at a sleepaway camp, and this summer with be my 13th year going there.
- I took 6th place in my college's crossword puzzle competition...which means I am better at crosswords than 9 other people...
- I am surprisingly competitive at silly board games.
Monday, April 21, 2008
More Passover
That being said, the other 7 days of Passover were bound to follow. I'm already getting a bit sick of looking longingly at the pasta and cookies in the dining hall and siting next to people whose plates are pilled high with what can only be called carb-o-rama while I munch away on my salad. But, its ok. I believe in the tradition, so I will gladly go through a bit of annoyance for it any day.
Until next time!
Duncan's Doodles

Oh, happy day.
Check out this and more at
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Passover Shopping
Things I am very happy I can have on Passover:
- Trader Joe's brand white cheddar cheese popcorn. If you've never had this stuff, you are missing out. I could eat the whole bag in one sitting...not that I have...i mean...umm...yeah.
- Trail mix. This round features super-tart dried cherries.
- Rice. Thank god for Sephardim.
- Instant-Thai tuna stuff, also from Trader Joe's. That's at least two Passover meals right there.
- Fruit. Lots and lots and lots of fruit.
- The fact that Trader Joe's had not bothered to order Matzah. Lame. Are there no Jews in Claremont?
- The fact that the other 357 days of the year I am known by some (my parents) as the carbohydrate queen. Passover is quite a change.
Until then, its bread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. :-)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I don't know if you guys look at, but this ridiculous adorableness was on their homepage today. Ho-ly- shit, these guys are cute.
In other news, I'm super busy, but feeling good about at least one of my final papers. Lots of dance rehearsal tonight, and still a bit of homework to get done. Back to the trenches!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What I'm Reading
I just started reading The Politics of Lust by John Ince. Parts of it are on the required reading for the Pomona Human Sexuality course that I'm auditing, but I'm pretty much just reading it for fun. I haven't done pure reading for pleasure in a helluva long time, so I'm pretty excited. So far, it looks incredibly fascinating. Can't wait to learn more.

Monday, April 14, 2008
Professional Jive
This is the kind of dance I'm doing in my Latin class these days. *pant*pant* It is so tiring! Super fun, though.
My Father’s Humor
In reading my most recent homework assignment for my Modern Jewish Experience class (Michael Wex’s Discouraging Words: Yiddish and the Forces of Darkness), I couldn’t help but see my father and my grandfather around every turn. My grandfather, whose parents came straight from “the old country” of
Until I read Wex’s chapter on this subject, I had not known that the irony, “doublethink” and sarcasm that so characterize the Yiddish language were born out of a fear of the evil eye or evil spirits that “lies at the root of…a niggardliness with compliments and pleasant remarks” (Wex, 111). Before being so enlightened, I would have chalked up a response to “How are you?” such as “How am I? How should I be?” to the crotchetiness and sarcasm often associated with old Jewish men. Now, however, I am aware that such a response is meant, at its historical core, to guard the answerer from being targeted by the evil eye, that ever-opportunistic spirit that preys upon the admittedly healthy and happy. Dare I say this knowledge has given me a new respect for my father’s brand of groan-worthy humor? Yes, I think it has, but that won’t stop me from continuing to roll my eyes each night at the dinner table.