So, I have my last official class tomorrow, and while that completely rocks, it's also a little bit disconcerting because it means my final and final paper are right around the corner. Literally. Tuesday and Monday of next week, respectively. Oy vey. The final is identifying quotations from poems and essays we have studied throughout the year (for my Literature of the Romantic Period class), and the final paper is an 8-10 page essay on the bible, theory, and
Blade Runner.In other news, I went home last night because I was in the city for a doctor's appointment, and ended up spending a good amount of time with my family trying to construct what percentage of what nationalities I am. My mom, my dad, and I sat with tons of genealogy binders, books, scraps of paper, old letters and photos, etc, and tried to piece it all together. It was really fun, actually. My mom and I are (hopefully) going to make it a summer project of ours to computerize a lot of this stuff, make online family trees, organize binders better, etc. Should be fun! So, the final breakdown of my national heritage is (to the best of our knowledge):
1/4 Romanian/Russian (the story goes that the town we were from was on the border between the two, and so wasn't really sure which country it was a part of...)
9/32 English3/16 German
3/32 Scottish1/16 Irish1/16 Hungarian
1/32 French
1/32 Dutch