Saturday, February 28, 2009


I had a pretty nasty headache last night, so I stayed in for the most part. Thank you, Tylenol. Tonight, however, I am definitely going out. We're playing our rivals in the championship basketball game, and I'm really looking forward to it. Plus, hanging out with friends outside in this BEAUTIFUL weather, grilling some food for dinner....'tis a good day.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The basketball game on Monday was awesome. RS and I drove in right after my work and went to visit my dad at his office first. The view from his window is awesome: the music center, hollywood sign, cathedral, disney hall, tons of downtown, etc. So cool. After that we drove over to LA Live and had dinner there. Being there was like super-sensory overload...there are a ton of TVs playing mostly ads but also lots of sports stuff in that moving-billboard kind of a way. Also, about 3 games playing on other tvs and another one being broadcast on the radio. Tons of lights, songs that kept changing about every 30 seconds because apparently all of LA has music ADD, and of course great people watching. I'm pretty sure I saw more people in Warriors gear than in Clippers...hahaha. The game itself was so much fun, we had really good seats and had a great time watching. Drove there and back to a newly-created CA playlist. :-) All in all, a fabulous night.

Friday, February 20, 2009


From my sister:

"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

--Chinese proverb, quoted in this article on a Tu B'shvat seder, written by a guy who writes one of her favorite foodie blogs, Tea and Food.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is from a couple of days ago, but it made me laugh out loud. :-)

...and I can't figure out how to get it to fit all on the screen. Eep. Click on the image for the full view.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


In the library, trying to pull together my essay for Religion and the Environment. Failing? No, just going slowly.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Listen to RainyDawg Radio now, from 3-5, to hear my friend Lee's radio show. Go! It's great! Do it!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thank You

I feel so happy right now. This day has been, truthfully, a really shit day, but has also showed me that there are people who really, truly care. After getting the shit news RS took me to the park and we sat on the swing-set and jungle gym and talked, then got coffee. Ate lunch with three of my Sponsees, JS, JC, and NB. Got multiple offers of hit-man duty. Met up with RS again and he bought me frozen yogurt and cheered me up immeasurably. Just now, KTBZ and CM came by with lots of chocolate, jumped into my bed, and talked for over an hour. Again, I feel happy. Thank you all for making me feel so good on an otherwise shitty day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This week was a week of over-scheduled craziness. A couple of weeks ago I set up an Ical on my new computer and it has done three things: 1) appeal to my slightly fanatic love of organization/list-making, 2) given me an extremely useful/helpful/color-coordinated way to see what my week looks like at a glance, and 3) freaked me out because it has caused me to realize just how much of my time is structured and just how little of it is free. This past week, as I said before, was particularly over-scheduled, mostly because of various meetings/interviews/deadlines for my head sponsor application. This coming week is deceptively nice-looking, though it does have a big, fat paper due at the end of it. Meh. I guess it never stops, but c'est la vie!

Friday, February 6, 2009


I just cooked up some basmati rice and dal from Trader Joe's and am eating it while watching Top Chef. Mmmmmm.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


In other news, I went to the House of Blues in Anaheim last night for the Ska is Dead tour. So much fun! I didn't really know much about the bands and I definitely wasn't one of those kids who fit the "scene" but I had a great time nonetheless. Good music, good friends, fun dancing, what more could I ask for on a Tuesday night?

Tonight are auditions for the ballroom dance team, so I'm helping out, getting people organized, partnering with the boys who are auditioning, etc. It'll go pretty late into the night, so I'm bringing homework and hoping to be somewhat productive during the down time.

Back to my reading...


I thought my mom and sister, avid bakers both, might like this one:


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You are getting sleeeeeeeeeepy

Oh man, I am sooooo tired....I really need to be getting more sleep. That being said, I am going to a concert tonight. Stupid Lauren. I'm about to have lots of coffee....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Friday I'm in Love

This was on a cool blog I read,
It made me smile.