Ok, so things have been crazy over here this week. I have, most days, simply locked myself in the dorm and done ridiculous amounts of work. One class presentation and one paper down, one class presentation and one paper to go. Then, a field trip on Friday to see various contemporary art things in London. Whoohoo! But, before that, and in a brief interlude between essay writing, preparing for my presentation, and laundry (ugh. laundry day here never ceases to be awful), I thought I'd do a quick post about Florence. So, Florence! I apologize for the disjointed-ness of this post in advance....
Florence was beautiful. Relaxed, calm, pretty, warm, lovely. The people still made sure that we knew nothing about coffee, or Italy, or the world, for that matter, because we were but lowly stupid Americans, but once we got over that particular aspect of the trip, we had a great time.

Our hostel was awesome. It had a beautiful patio and garden, nice rooms, free breakfast, super-cheap dinner, and super-cheap wine. What more could you want?

The Duomo. Crazy amazing on the outside, quite underwhelming on the inside. But the outside, wow. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the building is made up of the most vibrant green, pink, and white marble. Incredibly colorful and awesome.

The Baptistry Doors. GORGEOUS, but unfortunately replicas. The originals are still under restoration after a massive flood that covered the city in about 13 feet of water. And when they're restored, they'll probably go to a museum, not back outside.

The Arno river with the famous Vecchio Bridge in the background:

Oh my god, the world's best Gellato:

Florence also had lots of pretty little things, like this silver:

And...maybe this poster...or this might just be strange. I'm not sure:

Also: Oh my god, ridiculously small car!

And, last but not least, the
Great Synagogue of Florence. You weren't allowed to take pictures inside, bags had to be checked into lockers, you had to walk through a metal detector, and there were armed guards outside, but god damn, was that place beautiful....