It was very cold here yesterday, colder than it has been in a while. You can see your breath again, which hasn't been possible since we first got here, really. I can withstand the cold way better than I expected to. This is a very good thing, too, given my intention of grad school on the east coast and all. So, yay for that! It might snow again in a day or two, so that would be quite fun.
Yesterday and the day before I had my second round of classes. My individual class, Philosophy of Art, went well. I turned in an essay and got it back with no grade (are we not getting graded assignments here? that's strange...) but plenty of positive comments. Yesterday I my large-group class, Space and Time in Contemporary Art, which was fine but nothing to write home about (literally...). After that was a walking tour of Cambridge with my small-group English Architectural History class. We started at the round church:
Trinity College, from inside the first courtyard:
The river Cam, at the Backs. Gorgeous.
One amazing part was King's College Chapel, which was just this gigantic Gothic church (it really shouldn't be called a Chapel anymore) that was built by Henry's VII and VIII. At the part where Henry VII stopped building and Henry VIII took over, there is an obvious and delibertate change in the style of the church. Suddenly, it goes from simple Gothic style (well, simple for a huge amazing church) with little ornamentation, to carvings and statues and initials and "look at me! I'm the king!" everywhere. Pretty funny, and also very cool how visible history can be.
Took my breath away when we first walked in.
Look at that height! And those windows!
Look at that height! And those windows!
Sorry for the slight blurry-ness, but hopefully it won't
distract you from that beautiful fan ceiling.
distract you from that beautiful fan ceiling.
The gorgeous fan vaulting looks like crazy cobwebbery! So glad you're enjoying the architecture and the food.
Kings is gorgeous. And so much fun to sing in. Though I personally prefer Trinity.
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