Saturday, May 17, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

So, school is over, finals are done, my room is packed and I'm back home. I spent the day lounging around with my pugs and my mom, watching So You Think You Can Dance and catching up with each other. It's good to be back, but it's also really weird to think that a quarter of my college career is finished. Dang.
I went dancing the last two nights. On Thursday we (many Ballroom people, Duncan and I) went to LindyGroove and last night I went to Friday night Salsa on campus. So much dancing, so much fun. Social dance is just so energetic and friendly and incredibly fun to do...I love it.
Leaving school was weird. Packing up, saying goodbye....I'm never really great at that stuff. The worst was saying goodbye to Sam. I know I'll see him in a couple of weeks, maybe next week even, but it's just so different than seeing him every single day like I do at school.
But, be that as it may, I'm home and I'm happy to be here.

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