Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm sorry!!

Eek! I'm sorry! I know I haven't been posting (as my mother pointed out to me today!) and that is mostly because a) I don't really have a steady computer of my own right now, which is weird, b) I'm not at school and therefore not constantly infront of said computer and c) I'm on winter break and have been spending the majority of my time on a couch with my dogs, a book, and a pot of tea. That, by the way, has been absolutely lovely and restorative and refreshing all at the same time. I thought I would go crazy with cabin fever and with not being around people all the time like I am at school, but it turns out I am actually more than happy to sit at home all day and read. It is incredibly relaxing and just soooo differnt from the way I have to be at school, so it's a very welcome change. I don't think I could do it forever, but for a little while, it's quite nice. So, there is the explaination and the apology, I hope you forgive me and I'll try to write more in the coming New Year!
Good lord, it's already December 31st. Wow. This year has been absolutely crazy, but then, what year isnt? I feel like I could say that about any year. I was actually thiiiiiiiiiiis close just now to trying to do a re-cap of 2008, but it just didn't seem right for some reason. I guess this whole blog can just be my re-cap, hu? Not that I expect you to re-read all of it, but my 80 year-old self will be very pleased, I think, to look back over everything I wrote here some day. :-)
That's all for now, I'm off to watch an episode of The West Wing and hopefully get some sleep! Love to you all.

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