Monday, January 19, 2009


School starts tomorrow. I have things mostly in order, but these sort of things make my anxiety/OCD go all kinds of crazy, so I'm freaking out quite a bit internally. MEH!!! I don't like this feeling at all---for the most part it is out of my life but things like this can definitely trigger it again. I'm eating some of my mommy's delicious homemade applesauce, listening to relaxing music, and burning a yummy-smelling candle all in hopes of calming down a bit, and I think it is working. I'm going to try to go to bed soon because I'm waking up at (gasp!) 8:30 for my 9:35 class tomorrow. Good lord, that is early for me....hahaha. Alright, I'm off to get a little bit more done and then hopefully go to sleep! Goodnight!

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