Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Liberal-Arts-ed the Hell Out of That...

I have become liberal-arts-icized. (And I'm ok with that. I think.)

Exhibit A:
Today, my friend and I scoffed at a professor from another college who stopped him in the middle of an explanation about his final paper to ask him what the hell "eroticizing the other" meant. "Oh my!" we laughed, "how could he not know?!" And then I realized just how "liberal-arts-icized" I have become. Good lord.

Exhibit B:
I just typed the word "intersectionality" into a Word document. A usually-helpful red, squiggly line appeared under the word as my spell check tried to tell me, "I'm sorry, but that's not a word." "Oh, yes it is!" I laughed as I clicked "add to dictionary."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn straight you did. Though you must progress to drinking wine with our favorite problematizer!